<Exhibition Visit, Käthe Kollwitz Museum Berlin>

In this month we are planning to visit the Museum of Käthe Kollwitz in Berlin as a culture event.
Kätte Kollwitz is well-known as a figure who expressed the harsh reality of the common people during the process of modernization in Germany and the wars through her engravings, sculptures, and paintings, and fought for a better life and social justice for these people.
We would like to invite you and look around the exhibition together.
After that we move to a nearby cafe to share our impressions. Please feel free to join this event!
If you would like to participate, please apply by the 26th through the link below.
※ The entrance fee is on us. However, if you are a student, please be sure to bring your student ID as the entrance fee is exempted for students!
When: 11 am, May 28th (Sat.) 2022 (The registration is due May 26th!)
Where: Käthe Kollwitz Museum Berlin, Fasanenstr. 24 (Charlottenburg)
Pre-application link : https://forms.gle/5935y83U2hi4K3Yv7