February <The Day of Culture> Adji Dieye, <Culture Lost and Learned by Heart>
Date: 13:00, 19th Feb. 2021
Place: C/O Berlin Hardenbergstraße 22-24
Entry Fee: Adult 10€, Student 6€*
Registration Form: https://forms.gle/jneaHGPQAX6Q18q48
MeToo Asians e.V. support half of the price.
*Please register in advance
On the Day of Culture in February, we are going to visit <Culture Lost and Learned by Heart> by Adji Dieye. As an Italian-Senegalese artist, Adji Dieye conducted visual research into the iconographic collection of the National Archives of Senegal (Archives Nationales du Sénégal) to answer the question,
“What is to be done when the past is merely a creation of colonial archives?”
Let’s share our thoughts in the café after the visit
*Corona Rule for the visit is 2G+ (Boostered or tested)